An ever-expanding number of communications platforms means that organisations have more tools than ever with which to engage their audiences.

But in an age where we all receive so much by way of communication, how do you make yours really stand out?

This is a question of particular importance to housing associations, specifically because they face some of the most complex communications challenges of any sector. Audiences tend to be incredibly diverse in terms of age, cultural background and financial situations.

In short, there is no “one size fits all” answer to good communication. As a leading, long-established communications and marketing consultancy, Lime is immersed in these issues, and our public relations team has supported housing associations in a number of areas, helping raise their profile and position them correctly with those audiences. It’s important to remember that when we talk about PR, we are not simply referring to external communications – for example, media coverage – it’s also about how you are perceived by your internal audiences, tenants and stakeholders.

It is our role to help organisations reach their key audiences efficiently and cost-effectively. Working closely with our PR professionals, our Insight team’s research demonstrates clearly that many housing associations fail to genuine engage with tenants and residents. Their surveys, on average, can reach less than one third of the people they’re trying to get to.

However, our view is that this is not necessarily a negative, if housing associations look at this as an opportunity to get amongst their audience by social media. This means a “warts and all” approach, eliciting both good and bad comments as part of a long-term bid to improve tenant and resident liaison. Our advice is simple yet effective. Good stakeholder engagement has three facets – Listen. Communicate. Listen again.

A structured PR campaign can pay dividends in order to reach your target audiences. Lime has a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of media operations, stakeholder engagement and social media, delivered through a dedicated team ensuring consistency – and control – to your communications.

To find out what we’re talking about please take a look at our White Paper – How to truly understand your tenants’ needs though better engagement – here.


As an integral part of a fast-growing consultancy, our PR and Insight team helps housing associations improve how they communicate and engage with their key audiences. We’d be happy to discuss how we might assist you.

Posted: 04/07/2018

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