b'1 2 3 4 5The challenges Insight Proposition The rightBuilding the How should the brand useWhy people do or dontTo focus on 18-24 year oldsamarketing mix campaignExperiential to activatebuy Primulas products.previously untapped marketduePR, Social Media and theA cheesy PR announcement; a tour shoppers and grab a buyersWhat competitors are up to.to their convenience shoppingmain event Experiential! Allof student venues, universities and attention? What part of theUnderstanding their currenthabits, the desire for quick/easybacked up with a full round ofcolleges with a Primula-shaped business will be positivelycustomer base as well as thosefood solutions and their fit withobjectives, KPIs and evaluationslide as the centrepiece; a sampling and directly impacted bythat they could target butPrimulas key messages andto measure its amazing success. roadshow with a cow (yes, I did experiential marketing? arent currently. product range say a cow!) that you can milk to Making those delicious everydayextract sample portions of Primula; moments easier and cheesier. culminating with a celebration of fun Primula pictures and videos from the tour via a social media competition.'