b'1 2 3 4 5The challenge Insight Proposition The rightBuilding the To shift the mind set ofA visit to McDonalds is increasinglyTo create a fun the brandmarketing mix campaignMcDonalds family customers byfocused on making the kids happy ratherexperience that is driven by moreFrom Licensing to PR, ExperientialPlanning around 4 key developing a unique fun eventthan being an experience for the wholethan the food, and take it out toto Social Media and Creative tolocations nationwide; a experience which emotivelyfamily to enjoy. Also, parents are morethe customer rather than expectingCRM/Ticketing and EVERYTHING2-week build and breakdown connects with family customersaware than ever of food provenance,them to always come to us in between! in between each of the 4 sites; and creates special memoriesnutrition and the desire for more healthyBy giving families engaging8 stages doing everything that last. options. Lastly, the McDonalds brandactivities and games which createfrom meeting your favourite is often superseded in families mind- moments where kids AND parentscharacter to attempting to sets by the Happy Meal campaign theare ALL being kids together. break a world record; plus McSummer Celebration balance needs to be re-dressed, making10,000 attendees per day!the brand more central to the experience.'